
How To Update Latest Node Version In Windows

How to Update Node.js to Latest Version Apace & Easily: The Definitive Guide

Node.js, as a popular open-source technology, is e'er being improved. There are updates oft to ensure proficient performance. Here'southward how you can update Node.js to the latest version!

How to Update Node.js to Latest Version

Simply like a bulk of other open-source environment, Node.js has get quite a fast-evolving project. Afterwards well-nigh every two weeks, there is some update or the other to boost both security and stability. The updates are not only express to just 1 version branch; they are spread among all of them.

There are numerous methods one can use to update Node to the latest version on different operating systems. So, you'll have no issues in getting the most recent Node.js version.
In the following article, we've mentioned the easiest even so the most constructive methods of installing the newest Node version. Nosotros'll exist roofing Linux, macOS, and Windows-based machines.

Before getting started, make up one's mind the Node.js version you have. You can exercise this by writing node -five in the command prompt.

3 Methods of Updating Node.js on Linux Machines

We've listed the three common and well-nigh effective ways to update node on the Linux operating arrangement. We recommend method 1 because of its simplicity. Yet, if yous're unable to go with the Node Version manager method, then you tin can update either via binary packages or package managers.

1. Use Node Version Managing director

NVM (Node Version Manager), as mentioned earlier, is the best way to update Node. For this, you need a C++ compiler, the build-essential and libssl-dev packages. First, run an update to become the packages using these commands:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev              

If you lot want to install or update Node version director, get the install script with roll:

curl -o- | bash              

Get-go, shut and open up the terminal once more. Yet, you can verify if the installation is successful by using the control -five nvm. If everything worked, then the command will output nvm.

In one case everything is set up upwardly, installing the updated Node version is hardly any difficulty. You can check the version of Node installed currently past typing nvm ls. You can also see the version bachelor to install with nvm by ls-remote.

Now, download, compile, then install the latest version of Node by typing nvm install #.#.#. Recollect, the # hither will be replaced past the Node version you want. You can too inform nvm the version you want to utilise in each crush with nvm apply #.#.#. Also, fix upwardly a default with an alias by nvm allonym default node.

2. Use Packet Manager

The second best choice afterward nvm is a package manager. NPM (node package manager) helps to discover, share as well as use code. Information technology also allows users to manage dependencies. Node already comes installed with npm; however, the manager is updated more often than Node.

Check the version you take with npm -v. Then install the recent npm update by entering npm install [email protected] -g. To ensure npm is updated correctly, run npm -v.

You will as well demand npm's n module to update Node. Run the following code to clear the cache and install n along with the latest Node version:

sudo npm enshroud clean -f sudo npm install -g north sudo n stable              

Finally, use n latest to install the near contempo release. You lot can too get a specific Node version by running northward #.#.#.

3. Use Binary Packages

Try your all-time to avert this route. As a last resort, become to the official download page for Node.js. From here, get the 32-bit or the 64-bit Linux binary file. Here, you have 2 options. You tin can download the binary file from a browser. However, it is improve to apply the console. Call back, the Node version will change as more updates are released.


Y'all will also need xz-utils for unpacking the file. So, to install this, run the lawmaking sudo apt-get install xz-utlis. Then, use the following code for installing the binary packet in usr/local:

tar C /usr/local --strip-components 1 -xJf node-v6.9.2-linux.x64.tar.xz              

Now, you take both Node every bit well as npm. So, for the next update, try the second method first.

Updating Node on Windows/MacOS Using Installers

The download page on Node.js includes binary packages for both MacOS and Windows. However, there's no need to make your life difficult. There are pre-made installers available to brand the process piece of cake: .msi for Windows and the .pkg for MacOS. These packages make installation efficient and simple to understand.

Simply download the file and run it and the installation wizard will handle the remainder. With each update y'all download, the older versions of both npm and Node will exist replaced by the newer ones.

FAQ Section

What Is the Node in Node JS?

Node.js is a platform that is built on Google Chrome's JavaScript runtime. Its primary purpose is to build fast, scalable network applications easily. Node.js makes use of a non-blocking, event-driven model that makes it efficient and lightweight. Therefore, it is ideal for real-fourth dimension data-intensive apps that work across different devices.

How Do I Check the Node JS Version?

To check the Node version installed in your computer, open a command-line tool. Yous tin use Powershell, Command Prompt, or any other you prefer. Afterwards opening it, type node -v. Doing so will print the version number like v0.10.35.

What Is Node JS Used For?

Primarily, Node.js is used for outcome-driven, not-blocking servers. This is because it has a unmarried-threaded nature. It is likewise used for backend API services as well as traditional sites. Yet, it was designed using real-time and push button-based architectures.

How Exercise You Update NPM?

If you lot're using a Mac, then use the following lawmaking:

sudo npm install -g npm              

You lot tin update the outdated local packages as well past using npm update without a trouble. Similarly, you can update the outdated global packages using npm update -g.

The Final Word

And so, now your Node update is done. In fact, updating both the npm and Node is just the starting. You'll also accept to update your other packages likewise every bit dependencies. Doing so will maximize both security and compatibility so that you tin can enjoy using Node!

Published: July 16, 2019 | Updated: 23 Sep, 2019September 23, 2019

xvi Jul, 2019



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